Are your workouts improving?


Throughout your fitness journey you might question if you are seeing results. Has all your hard work been paying off? Do you keep going? As tempting as it might be to call it quits, don’t! It might not be noticeable right away but you are making progress. There are many signs you can look for to check and see if your workouts are really working out.

A great indicator that your fitness routine is improving is your overall sense of alertness.

No, it’s not the morning coffee that’s waking up your body. If you’re noticing yourself more mentally alert during the day, rather than feeling worn out, it’s a good sign your body is adjusted to your new fitness endeavors. Adding a 30-minute workout to your day can help improve your mood and help you out of that 2 p.m. slump many of us face at work. Whether you’re getting up extra early to hit the gym or taking your lunch break to take a brisk walk, try to make the time for you. You could even ask a coworker or a friend to join you if you are going to work out during your lunch breaks. Plus, having a buddy to join to the gym or a fitness class can help you both stay motivated and both stay accountable.

Also, if your workplace doesn’t have a fitness center look to your local community and see if there’s a gym or fitness studio nearby. Taking regular fitness classes, whether it’s yoga, spinning, boxing, etc.…, can also help you stay true to your fitness routine. Not to mention you might gain a few new friends along the way.

Another sign your fitness routine is making a progress is your clothes are fitting differently. After a few weeks of working out you may have noticed some of your clothes are fitting better in places they didn’t before. Maybe your favorite pair of jeans are looser or you’re back into your favorite top. You might also notice some of your clothes are tighter around your arms or legs, don’t worry, that could be a sign of lean muscle gain. Whatever the case is, we must remember muscle weighs more than fat. If you find yourself wondering why the scale isn’t moving but your clothes are fitting better trust your apparel. You’re more than just a number on the scale so don’t drive yourself crazy trying to get those numbers to move.

Another great way to tell your fitness routines are paying off is when you start hearing “Have you been working out?” You might not have noticed but your friends have. Maybe you have that pep in your step, you’re looking toned, you have more energy and maybe it’s a little mix of everything but whatever the case is, people have noticed. You look at yourself everyday so it can be hard to notice the small changes. Remember to take some time to look back on those progress pictures. Having something you can look back on can make all the difference when you’re feeling like you’re not seeing any change. Slow progress is still progress so don’t give up!

And lastly, your fitness routine is improving because you look forward to working out. A lot of us are always shocked to find out they’ve become excited to go to the gym. What was once a daunting task has become a part of your daily routine. Not only do you feel good about reaching your goals but regular exercise has also improved your mood.

Overall, your hard work is paying off. If you’ve noticed any of these changes it can be a sure sign you are getting fitter and healthier. Keep going! You’re that much closer to reaching your goals.

Cassie McIntyre is a NASM certified personal trainer, yoga instructor, and nutritional coach. She works at LA Fitness.